Friday, 30 May 2014

Human Skin And Acne

These powders typically contain while varying the ratio of estrogen, a female hormone, together with the hormone progestin, which is also known as the hormone of the corpus lustrum.
This connection then among others can positively influence these processes in human skin, which is directly related to the functioning of the male sex hormones. If we have to be specific in terms of phenomena such as sprouting facial hair above the upper lip, or grow "whiskers" hair forming a known spot, and not least also the excessive production of sebum leading to acne formation. Click Here
But now to the self-description of how hormonal birth control such processes can slow down or in some cases completely stop. First of all, here it comes, that estrogens as one of the key components of hormonal contraceptives can stimulate the production of proteins acronym known as SHBG.
An important feature of this protein is yet its ability to bind the male sex hormones. Therefore, if the administration of the tablet can increase SHBG levels, it also means that a reduction in the concentration of free male  hormones which have been unable to existing extent necessary to cause the processes leading also to the formation of acne.

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